I haven't blogged in a while mostly because I haven't had much to put up also because of some health problems we've been dealing with in my son.
On a pet related medical note. The vet finally diagnosed Phlox as having foliculitis. It's an infection of the hair follicles that causes red bumps and inflammation and leads to the hair falling out. He has been on treatment for a little over a week. I can already see a huge difference and I'm thinking that he may look good enough to show in the next couple of months.
Training wise I have been doing a big fat nothing. With everything going on health issues, personal stuff, board and train puppies I have had my hands too full to deal with my own dogs.
Starting today I am really getting started polishing Violet's utility exercises. I promise... I really mean it this time. She has just gotten so use to being a couch potato that its hard to get her up and moving again.
I also need to do a novice refresher with Chuck and start taking Phlox through all the novice rally signs.
I would like to post weekly training updates on my four but I can't make any promises at this point. I'm going to attempt to film the first one this Sunday so keep your fingers crossed.
On a side note Phlox's brother Dylan was in the news paper the other day. It is an article on dock diving www.mysanantonio.com/life/pets/. Good looks run in the family :)